Code of Conduct

You will find a welcoming atmosphere at AFLM clubs with an emphasis on family involvement and fun social interaction.
Social interaction is also a very important feature of AFL Masters for all participants.


Concept of AFL Masters Football

AFL Masters is designed to allow mature-aged Australian Rules Footballers the opportunity to participate safely in the great game of Australian Rules Football and to compete with their aged peers.

The opportunity to participate, to compete and to be physically active is the main motivation of the competitors, winning is not important and the game should be played in the spirit of “Football for Fun”. Social interaction is also a very important feature of AFL Masters for all participants.

Mission Statement

“AFL MASTERS will provide the opportunity for members and supporters to enjoy the game of Australian Rules Football in a safe, supportive and fun environment.”

Guidelines for Competing in the 2024 AFL Masters National Carnival

    • 1.1 All players nominated for National Carnival matches are highly recommended to play three (3) matches in the regular season fixtures of their respective domestic AFL Masters competitions.
    • 1.2 All players to be 35 years or over within the calendar year.
    • 1.3 Eligibility for each age group (as listed in Guideline 2) is based on the participant’s age by the end of the calendar year, except where approval for an underage player is granted by the National Board as per the process outlined in Guideline 3.
    • 1.4 The National Board retains the right to make its own decisions in relation to player eligibility for the overall betterment and success of the carnival.
    • 1.5 All competing players are to register online and complete a player registration form. Team and player registrations and fees must be submitted prior to the commencement of the first game of the Carnival. (Note registration is to be done directly online by each affiliated association)
    • 1.6 If any competing player is found to be competing without the National Board’s approval, including underage, the State or Territory that they are representing shall be fined up to $500 and the offending player may be suspended from further participation during that carnival. The offending State or Territory may lose any points gained whilst playing underaged players who have not been granted special dispensation in accordance with Guideline 3.
    • 1.7 Where there is an alleged breach of any Carnival Rules or act of misconduct or indiscretion by a player(s) or official(s) / team against other player(s) / team a written report must be submitted to the General Manager within 24 hours of the incident for consideration by the National Board or its’ appointed Tribunal.
    • 2.1 The age groups for Men to participate in at the National Carnival are as follows:
  2. a) 35’s
  3. b) 40’s
  4. c) 45’s
  5. d) 50’s
  6. e) 55’s
  7. f) 60’s
  8. g) 65’s
  9. h) And other age groups as determined by AFL Masters National from time to time
    • 2.2 The age groups for Women to participate in at the National Carnival are as follows:
  10. a) 35’s
  11. b) 40’s
  12. c) 45’s
  13. d) And other age groups as determined by AFL Masters National from time to time
    • 2.3  The age groups for Women to participate in Non-Contact at the National Carnival are as follows:
  14. a) 35’s
  15. b) And other age groups as determined by AFL Masters National from time to time
    • 2.4 At the start of July AFL Masters National will call for team nominations across each age group.  States/Territories will need to submit team nominations by the end of July.
    • 2.5 AFL Masters National will only consider a team nomination to be valid if there is a minimum of 14 players registered online to an age group as at closing date for nominations. AFL Masters National may allow for Joint Venture teams between States/Territories to be nominated.
    • 2.6 Where there are more than 6 teams have entered a particular age group, the National Board may create a second (or subsequent) Division for that age group.
    • 2.7 The winning team in Division 2 of all competitions will be considered for promotion to Division 1 for the next National Carnival, with the bottom side in Division 1 being considered for relegation to Division 2.
    • 2.8 When the numbers of competing States/Territories in each of the categories is an odd number, the host state will be given the option of nominating a second team to balance the numbers.
    • 2.9 If the host State cannot nominate another team a President’s XVIII side may be formed to assist the Carnival fixture.  Each competing team will be required to provide a minimum number of players to play in the President’s XVIII at the directive of AFL Masters National prior to the commencement of the Carnival. President’s XVIII matches will be scheduled following completion of other matches in the division to provide priority to State or Territory sides.
    • 2.10 The Board retains the right to make its own decision about the National Carnival make up of participating teams for the betterment and overall success of the carnival.
    • 3.1 Equalisation (as outlined in Guideline 5.4) is the preferred solution where States or Territories do not have a full complement of players.
    • 3.2 The National Board may grant a maximum of two (2) special dispensations for underage players granted per Carnival team on the proviso that:
  2. a) the State or Territory does not have a team in an older age group that a player cannot play down; and
  3. b) the nominated player(s) are within one (1) year of eligibility for the particular age group.
    • 3.3 The State or Territory President of a player who does not meet the age eligibility requirements for one of the age groups listed in Guideline 2 may apply to the National Board in writing for dispensation to participate in the National Carnival. Such form should include the following information:
  4. a) Player’s State
  5. b) Player’s Name
  6. c) Player’s Date of Birth
  7. d) Eligible age group
  8. e) Proposed age group request (including Division)
  9. f) Usual playing position
  10. g) Playing history
  11. n) A listing of the player’s past honours (eg B & F, All Australian etc)
  12. i) Reason/s for special dispensation
  13. j) An understanding that the decision by the National Board is final.
    • 3.4 Should AFL Masters National subsequently grant special dispensation for an underage player, an Underage Player Agreement Form will need to be signed by a) the player; b) the player’s coach and c) the player’s State or Territory President prior to the commencement of the National Carnival to acknowledge that they read and understood the following terms upon which the application was originally accepted:
  14. a) The underage player is not eligible for Best & Fairest votes.
  15. b) The underage player is not eligible for All Australian votes.
  16. c) The underage player will be required to wear a red coloured arm band on the left arm for identification.
  17. d) The underage is not to played in an on-ball or primary position. For clarity, an on-ball or primary position would be considered to be either fullback, centre halfback, centre, centre half forward, full forward, rover, ruck-rover or ruck. This would include temporarily filling those primary positions in stoppages around the ground. For example where the underage player plays in the forward pocket, he/she can’t be used to take a ruck contest in the forward 50, allowing the normal ruck to rest in the middle of the ground. Only the correct age players are to take such contests.
  18. e) The underage player is to be clearly marked with an asterisk (*EligibleAgeGroup*) on the printed Play HQ Team Sheet so that umpires would be aware to not award votes to the underage player.  For example, a player that has been granted approval as an underage player in the 50s would have their name amended to include (*45*).
    • 3.5 If the Board considers that the underage player does not fit for the age group they have been granted dispensation (ie exceeds expectations) or is continually played in an on-ball or primary position, AFL Masters National reserves the right for that player’s special dispensation to be withdrawn.
    • 4.1 All squads for National Carnivals are to be limited to 24 players. Any player not nominated in the team of up to 22 (or more as directed by the AFL Masters board) for a specific fixture may play for a President’s XVIII or any other composite team formed to assist the carnival fixture.
    • 4.2 Players aged 40 and over may play in more than one squad, including with Joint Venture teams (between their State/Territory and another States/Territory) or within divisions, provided that they meet the age eligibility criteria. However, such players can only be nominated into one team (their primary team) with the AFL Masters online game management program prior to the commencement of the National Carnival. They are only eligible to receive awards for participation in matches outlined in Guidelines 22 and 23 that their primary team participates in.
    • 4.3 In instances where players participate across divisions for their State/Territory:
    • a) They must play in their primary team in each round before they can participate in another divisional side in that round.
    • b) they are not eligible to play in a lower division in Round 3 if they have played two (2) matches in a higher division in the first two (2) rounds.
    • 4.4 Where a State or Territory has been found to contravene Guideline 4.3, the AFL Masters National Board shall convene a Disciplinary Hearing and determine if the offending team should be deemed to have forfeited the match with no umpire nor team votes to be awarded.
    • 5.1 The team for each official fixture to consist of 18 registered players with a maximum of six (6) interchange players or more as directed by the AFL Masters Board. Non-Contact teams shall consist of 12 registered players each.
    • 5.2 No team can play a match with less than 14 registered players (reduced to 9 registered players for Non-Contact matches).
    • 5.3 It is recommended to coaches and team managers that for their safety and overall enjoyment players are requested to play not more than six quarters per day but are also given the opportunity to participate in at least two quarters on any one match day.
    • 5.4 Team coaches must ensure that competing teams have an equal number of participating players on the field at all times except in the case of send-offs. If one team has 17 registered players, the opposing team must either take one player off or provide the opposing team with one of their spare players before play commences.
    • 6.1 Players domiciled in a particular State or Territory can register to play with another State or Territory prior to the commencement of the National Carnival.
    • 6.2 Once the National Carnival has commenced, there shall be no transfers of interstate players allowed to another State or Territory in any circumstance except to fill a President’s XVIII side (or equivalent), unless otherwise approved by the AFL Masters National Board.
    • 6.3 Where a State or Territory has been found to contravene Guideline 6.2, the AFL Masters National Board shall convene a Disciplinary Hearing and determine if the offending team should be deemed to have forfeited the match with no umpire nor team votes to be awarded.
    • 7.1 All participants at the National Carnival are required to abide by the published AFL Masters National Carnival Modified and Exempt Laws.
    • 7.2 As deemed necessary, the AFL Masters National Rules Committee (“Rules Committee”) will determine the Playing Rules of the AFL Masters National Carnival in a timely manner and publish them for all participants to read and understand.
    • 7.3 The Carnival Rules should be based on the playing rules of AFL but include some minor variations to maximise the enjoyment of the game while reducing the risk of injury for older players. If there is a specific modification then it shall override the relevant AFL Law.  Conversely, if a modification or exception is not listed, the AFL Law applies.
    • 7.4 The Carnival Rules should be read in conjunction with the existing AFL Laws of Australian Football and be indexed so they can be easily cross-referenced.
    • 7.5 Although the modified rules specially apply to the AFL Masters National Carnival, each State or Territory Association may elect to either adopt or further modify for their local domestic competition as they require.
    • 8.1 Following the completion of three (3) matches by each side during the National Carnival week, the Divisional Winner for each age group shall be determined by the number of wins and draws and then by percentage.
    • 8.2 If the number of wins and draws and percentage is identical then the Divisional winner will be determined by the cumulative number of points for scored throughout the Carnival.
    • 8.3 No extra time should be played in the event of a draw in any National Carnival match.
    • 8.4 In the instance where there is a draw in a Grand Final match and where both teams have an identical percentage, the same points for and a winner cannot be otherwise determined, both teams shall be declared joint divisional winners.
    • 8.5 Any matches deemed to be a Grand Final, both participating teams will be notified prior to the game commencing.
    • 8.6 In instances where there are three (3) teams with two (2) wins each after the first two rounds, there will not be a Grand Final match in the final round but rather the overall winner will be determined by wins and then percentage at the conclusion of the Carnival.
    • 8.7 An age group must have a minimum of 4 teams to receive the divisional winner’s trophy. This may be altered at the discretion of the National Board.
    • 9.1 All AFL Masters National Carnival matches shall be played over four (4) quarters of 15 minutes each with no time on.
    • 9.2 The amount of time for intervals between quarters shall be a minimum of five (5) minutes.
    • 9.3 Umpires and teams to assemble in centre of oval prior to start of each game for tossing of coin.
    • 9.4 The amount of time for intervals between games shall be determined by the AFL Masters National body and provided prior to the Carnival.
  1. 10. UNIFORMS
    • 10.1 All players for States and Territories must be correctly attired in their respective State / Territory guernseys, shorts and socks.
    • 10.2 All team runners for each State and Territory must wear a distinctive pink or purple uniform (shirt and shorts) to avoid clashes with teams or umpires.
    • 10.3 All water carriers and trainers for each State and Territory must wear at a minimum a distinctive pink or purple vest to avoid clashes with teams or umpires.
    • 10.4 Enclosed footwear must be worn at all times by any person entering the field of play. For clarity, no part of the foot can be exposed.
  1. 11. COACHING

Level 1 shall be the minimum coaching qualification for someone to coach a State or Territory team at the AFL Masters National Carnival.

  1. 12. UMPIRING
    • 12.1 An Umpires Co-ordinator shall be appointed by the National Board for each National Carnival. Such appointed Co-ordinator shall be empowered to select umpires and be responsible for match day officiating during the Carnival.
    • 12.2 Each State is encouraged to provide one suitable qualified field umpire for each participating team at the carnival.
    • 12.3 All nominated umpires should attend the Umpires’ meeting prior to the commencement of the Carnival.
    • 13.1 No player, spectator or official shall act towards or speak to any other person in a manner, or engage in any other conduct which threatens, disparages, vilifies or insults another person on the basis of that person’s race, religion, colour, descent or national or ethnic background.
    • 13.2 In the event that a person has contravened Guideline 13.1 an umpire, club or player may lodge a complaint in writing within 24 hours to the General Manager, who shall call a tribunal meeting.

The National Board encourages the involvement of families. To that end any player or official who engages in the use of bad language that the umpire deems could be heard beyond the boundaries of the playing field shall pay a free kick against the offending player or official and advise continuance of such behaviour could incur a more severe penalty (for example, yellow card).

    • 15.1 Should any umpire submit a written report following the red carding of a player, the procedures relating to Policy Breaches and Tribunal Procedures outlined in Guideline 20 shall be followed.
    • 15.2 Any Person who receives a Notice of Breach is ineligible to participate in any further matches until the matter has been resolved and should any penalty be prescribed that penalty has been served in full.
  1. 16. BLOOD BIN
    • 16.1 No person – i.e.: players, umpires, trainers, runners, etc. shall participate in a game if he is bleeding or has blood on his/her uniform or person. A bleeding person will leave the field when directed by the field umpire and may be replaced.
    • 16.2 The bleeding person cannot return to the field, until the cause of the bleeding has stopped, the injury is securely covered and blood has been cleaned from the uniform and body to the satisfaction of the field umpire.
    • 16.3 Only the field umpire in charge of play has the responsibility to send bleeding person from the ground. On noticing the blood or having the matter brought to his/her attention the field umpire shall stop play at the next available break in play (score, out of bounds, throw up) and then direct the person from the field. Person leaving the ground must do so from the nearest point with field umpire acknowledging entry of replacement player, if the bleeding person is a player. Such replacement player may enter the field of play and take up his/her position before the bleeding player has left the field of play.
    • 17.1 AFL Masters shall adopt the detailed AFL Community Concussion Guidelines in relation to the management of sport-related concussion in Australian Football..
    • 17.2 Each State and Territory shall nominate a Concussion Officer to oversee the management of players with concussion or a suspected concussion as its single point of contact and can help coordinate matters related to concussion (such as communication of activity restrictions and progress through the graded return to play process. The designated Concussion Officer is not expected to be a medical expert but rather to understand the concussion guidelines and assist in ensuring compliance by each State or Territory.  The primary role is to ensure that anyone diagnosed with concussion follows the concussion protocols outlined in the AFL Community Concussion Guidelines.
    • 18.1 AFL Masters requests that players and officials adhere to the following guidelines when playing in different environments to minimise the impact of the climate and prevent heat injury. Heat injury can lead to impaired player performance and physical distress such as dizziness, headaches and collapse. In its extreme form it can be life threatening.
    • 18.2 Players are requested to take this issue seriously and prepare for playing in heat and humidity climates by:
  1. a) Ensure adequate fluid intake – not alcoholic – prior to the game and during the game (500 – 700ml per quarter)
  2. b) Drink plenty of water and electrolyte drinks
  3. c) Slip, slap and slop! Wear hats and sunscreen
  4. d) Avoid adrenaline-like medication
  5. e) Rotate players through the interchange bench
  6. f) Use cooling aids like ice vests, spray bottles, sponges and fans
  7. g) If feeling unwell, seek medical attention immediately.
    • 19.1 AFL Masters recommends compliance with local Government health directives / public orders.
    • 19.2 To avoid any confusion, the advice provided by the relevant local Government’s Chief Public Health Officer and/or Health Department will be the ultimate authority on dealing with any health issues (including COVID-19) during an AFL Masters National Carnival. AFL Masters States & Territories should refer to the relevant Health Department’s website for the most up to date and relevant information for requirements, health and physical distancing guidelines as well as current any other recommended Sport & Activity Guidelines.
    • 19.3 In instances where there is a COVID-19 Positive Test Case, AFL Masters advice to all participants from all States and Territories is to follow the relevant local Health Department’s information in relation to positive tests.
    • 19.4 It is important that States and Territories promote a safe culture on the use of change rooms during the National Carnival. It is recommended that change rooms density does not exceed 3 people per 4 square metres with physical distancing being maintained (1.5m between each person wherever possible). Only one team should use the change room at a time. For example, where an oval is used for consecutive games, teams should not mix within the same change room. It is recommended that cleaning and disinfection should be performed in between team use. Where possible, minimise changeroom time spent to less than 15 minutes to help minimise the potential spread of COVID-19. Players should not congregate in change rooms and activities such as team meetings should be held outside where possible.
    • 19.5 AFL Masters recommends that there is no sharing of various equipment by participants (eg water bottles, whistles, towels, guernseys) and that first aid kits and treatment/massage tables are regularly wiped down.
    • 19.6 Subject to local Government health directives/public orders, there will be no other mandatory requirement for masks to be worn at AFL Masters activities. However it is recommended that masks are worn:
  1. a) By sports trainers & other medical staff when treating or managing player/participants (it is also recommended that they wear disposable gloves)
  2. b) indoors when physical distancing (greater than a 1.5m distance from others) is not possible.
  • 19.7 AFL Masters recommends that anyone who feels any COVID-19 symptoms stays away from any AFL Masters activity, gets tested and awaits a negative result.
    • 20.1 With the exception of modifications listed below, AFL Masters shall adopt the relevant sections of the AFL’s National Community Football Policy Handbook with respect to policy breaches and tribunal procedures.
    • 20.2 Prior to the commencement of the National Carnival, the Rules Committee shall nominate to the National Board for ratification, a Tribunal Chairperson who shall possess sufficient knowledge of Australian Football and be sufficiently qualified to competently perform the role of Tribunal Chairperson.
    • 20.3 The Tribunal Chairperson may from time to time appoint persons to a panel of Tribunal members that possess sufficient knowledge of Australian Football and be sufficiently qualified to competently perform the role of Tribunal Panel member.
    • 20.4 Subject to instances where a Notice of Breach is referred directly to the Tribunal, where a Person has been issued a Notice of Breach, that Person may enter an Early Guilty Plea in relation to the Breach and accept the Early Guilty Plea penalty prescribed by the National Body in the Notice of Breach, or elect to contest the Notice of Breach, by no later than 18 hours after receipt of the Notice of Breach.
    • 20.5 If a Person elects to contest a Notice of Breach from either Round 1 or Round 2 then the National Body shall refer the matter to the Tribunal and have the matter heard the day immediately after the alleged breach has allegedly occurred or such other time as the National Body determines. If an alleged breach occurs at any other time then the matter shall be heard within a week after the alleged breach occurred or such other time as the National Body determines.
    • 20.6 In the Chairperson’s absence, a member of the Tribunal Panel shall act as Tribunal Chairperson.
    • 20.7 In instances where at least one (1) Tribunal Panel member is not present in person, the National Body shall arrange the necessary requirements for the matter to be heard online.
    • 21.1 Team sheets are to be completed online using the AFL’s game management program.
    • 21.2 The Team Sheet must list the full names of all competing players with their correct guernsey number prior to the commencement of the match. This sheet must be submitted by the Team Manager of each team.
    • 21.3 At the conclusion of the match the Team Manager must complete the final score; any match remarks; and provide All Australian selection nominees (in order of preference).
    • 22.1 All divisions shall have a Best and Fairest awarded.  Recipients of the Best and Fairest award shall receive either the EJ Whitten Medal (for Men’s divisions) or the Susan Alberti Medal (for all Women’s divisions).
    • 22.2 Best and Fairest awards are based on the votes from umpires that are to be completed at the conclusion of each game.
    • 22.3 Umpires shall award votes for their five (5) best players in order of preference from first best to fifth best (5, 4, 3, 2, 1) in the AFL Masters online game management program.
    • 22.4 In the event of a tie, there shall be no countback with the tied vote getters each receiving a Best and Fairest award.
    • 22.5 Any player receiving either a Red or two Yellow Cards during the Carnival is not eligible for a Best and Fairest award.
    • 23.1 Irrespective of the number of teams and divisions competing, there will just one All-Australian (AA) team named in each age group across each gender.
    • 23.2 The National Board will decide the number of AA to be selected within age group with consideration to the number of teams and divisions competing.
    • 23.3 Selection of players for AA sides, to be based on the following:
  2. a) Players who receive eight (8) or more umpires votes across their three games as determined by the process outlined in Guideline 22 will automatically be selected for AA. There might be instances where these players will displace teammates with higher team votes.
  3. b) The remaining AA players selected will be determined by the highest number of team votes received from each State or Territory team. At the conclusion of each match, each team manager is to nominate their five (5) best players in order of preference from first best to fifth best (5, 4, 3, 2, 1) via the AFL Masters online game management program for consideration for All Australian selection.
  4. c) Any State or Territory official with administration rights into the AFL Masters’ online game management program has the opportunity to review and vett team votes after the completion of the first round. The President of a State or Territory has the right to have team votes amended by notifying the AFL Masters National Body no later than 30 minutes after the last game of the Carnival.  Once approved by the AFL Masters National body, the votes will be amended by Carnival Administration.
  5. d) The break-up of State representation for all AA teams will be determined by the AFL Masters National body with consideration to a team’s placing across each division but shall include a minimum of two (2) players from each participating team.
  6. e) In the event of a tie in team votes, the countback process shall be: i) higher number of umpire votes received; ii) higher number of 5 team votes received etc (down to 2 team votes received); iii) contact the State or Territory President to make the final selection in the event of a stalemate.
  7. f) Players who receive the either one (1) red Card or two (2) yellow cards will be ineligible for AA selection.
    • 23.4 The coach/es selected for each AA side shall be the coach/es from the successful team/s in each division for each age group across each gender.
    • 24.1 All Players, Officials and Stakeholders must understand that AFL Masters has a responsibility to protect all participants and the game of AFL Masters Football. That being so, the following by-law in relation to Suspensions and Deregistrations has been adopted:
      • 24.1.1 Any player or official who has been de-registered or is currently serving a suspension stemming from any competition Australia wide including AFL Master’s cannot participate in an AFL Masters National Carnival.
      • 24.1.2 Furthermore, not being permitted to participate in an AFL Masters National Carnival while currently serving any suspension does not form any part of that suspension or count towards games suspended.
      • 24.1.3 Any person de-registered must have had their registration reinstated by the AFL, their affiliates or AFL Masters before they can register and participate in an AFL Masters National Carnival.
      • 24.1.4 Please refer to the AFL’s National Player & Official National Deregistration Policy for further clarification.
      • 24.1.5 Any player or official who is suspended from an incident during an AFL Masters National Carnival, should that suspension be beyond that Carnival itself must serve the full or part of that suspension in a local Masters competition. For further clarity, that player or official cannot participate in any AFL Masters Competition nation-wide until the suspension is fully served.
      • 24.1.6 In relation to any player or official who is playing or involved in a non-Masters local competition AFL Masters shall notify the AFL of any suspensions or de-registrations that result from an AFL Masters National Carnival. It shall then be up to the AFL to decide on whether any player or official can participate in their competitions.
  1. 25. AFL LAWS

If AFL Masters does not separately list or reference a law, rule or policy, the relevant AFL Law, rule or policy shall apply.

Revised 25/5/2024