National Carnival Terms

Completion of an participant's registration in an AFL Masters National Carnival is dependent upon agreeance the terms and conditions outlined below.

National Carnival Terms and Disclaimer

Australian rules football is dangerous! Participation can result in serious bodily injury, permanent incapacity and even death.  By agreeing to your National Carnival registration application you acknowledge that you have read and understood the terms upon which AFL Masters Inc may accept your application as a participant. If your application is accepted AFL Masters Inc will rely on you keeping the promises you make below.

Throughout these terms the phrase AFLM means AFL Masters Inc , its’ officers, volunteers, servants, agents and any co-contractors of AFLM. Acceptance of these terms will be made when a participant clicks “I AGREE” on the registration application.

  • I have carefully read the AFL Masters Modified Rules and the Code of Conduct for the Carnival in which I am applying for participation and will at all times comply with the rules and Code of Conduct of the Carnival and any reasonable direction given to me by AFLM, my team Management and carnival umpires. I acknowledge that this is “Football for Fun”.
  • I will participate solely at my own risk, knowing and accepting that in participating I may become seriously injured, permanently incapacitated or killed by or as a consequence of on-field practice or competition. I acknowledge that any medical, ambulance or other associated costs are my own responsibility, even if ambulance or medical support is in attendance at the competition. I also acknowledge that AFL Masters players are not covered for personal injury cover unless my masters club has taken out additional cover and it has been recommended by AFLM that I take out private medical insurance cover and ambulance subscription.
  • I will not engage in any conduct, on or off the field, which places other participants or AFLM at risk of injury or death and/or which is in the opinion of AFLM considered to be unreasonable or un-sportsmanlike behaviour.
  • The determination of whether my conduct places or placed other persons at risk of injury or death and/or which is or was unreasonable or unsportsmanlike behaviour is solely at the discretion of AFLM and I agree to be bound by that determination.
  • I release and indemnify AFLM and its state associations and their clubs from all claims, costs, proceedings, liabilities and expenses arising from or in any way connected with my participation in the Carnival.
  • I participate knowing that it is my responsibility to undertake a full medical examination prior to playing to ensure that I am not suffering from any illness or condition or injury that may put my health, enjoyment of life or use of my body at greater risk.
  • I hereby declare that I have completed all details and information on this form including my contact information and they are correct.
  • I acknowledge that supplying false or wrong information will make me ineligible to play or receive any awards.
  • I acknowledge that any official of either AFLM or my respective State or Territory Association reserves the right to determine at any time – including during the National Carnival – to revoke/reject/withdraw my ability to participate in the National Carnival.
  • I acknowledge that I have read and understood the AFL’s Safeguarding Children & Young People Policy and Guidelines. If I am bringing children to the National Carnival, I further acknowledge that I have discussed the contents with my child/children.


As part of the National Carnival registration process, AFL Masters will seek the permission to take, store, publish images of participants from the AFL Masters National Carnival to be used in AFL Masters publications such as, but not limited to: Carnival TeamApp, livestreaming of matches on KommunityTV, AFL Masters website, Social media – Facebook / LinkedIn / Twitter / Instagram, marketing and promotional materials, the AFL Masters website and Annual Reports.

Photographs and footage (to be referred to as images hereon) are included in the definition of personal information and therefore the way in which we collect images and use them is captured generally within AFL Masters’ privacy policy. These guidelines provide clarification specifically about the use of images including when and how we will seek permission to publish them in both internal and external communication channels. In most cases, a participant’s name will not be published with the image however there may be times when it is required. Where an image could be used in a potentially sensitive or highly public space or in relation to a potentially sensitive topic, AFL Masters will seek express permission from participants.

This authority will remain in place until the permission to publish is completed or the participant alters their consent at any time throughout the year by notifying the AFL Masters General Manager in writing to